Train Run 2016 Aug 07
The pictures below were taken during the special run on Aug 07, 2016. They are not in chronological order. Click on each picture to see an enlarged version.

Full scale trucks near the loading station. Note the cupped wheel surface which should be a flat conical taper. The flat taper centers the wheels on a straight track and allows the wheels to go around a curve better. The wheels above would need to be re-shaped to run properly, but they’re just on display now.

Jason on 615 approaching the loading station.

Jason on 652 with Fred as the conductor in the rear seat.

Ken on his Shay.

Ken watching the Shay blowdown at the end of the day’s running.

Ken getting the last bit of water out of the tender with Jason on 652 in back.

Larry on 615 approaching the loading station.

Loading station activities. There were over 500 riders this day and the line stretched back almost to the main sidewalk for a major portion of the day. Two club trains (615 & 652) and Jim H’s electric switcher were used all day.

Norm on Jim H’s electric switcher.