The pictures below were taken during the work day on June 21, 2016. It was a hot and fairly humid day with a slight breeze which helped make it bearable. Several projects were in work simultaneously around the track and grounds as you can see in the pictures below, which probably didn’t capture the full extent of all of the work that actually occurred.

Howard doing a trial fit of a tarp on the canopy frame. It was long enough but not wide enough. Two wider tarps have been bought – one for each of the two canopy pole sets.

615’s shell with new lettering – still a work in progress – larger lettering is needed but this will be ARF (After Rail Festival). The old lettering peeled right off.

Switch pad at the East tunnel end. Bob S raised the low corner and has improved the ballast under the approach track.

615’s old bell switch. It was operating intermittently so John L replaced it. The old switch fell apart during removal – a smoking gun – we’ll see.

Howard and Jim H putting tape on the canopy joints and poles to help future assemblers. There are two 10 X 20 foot canopy pole sets but they have different roof slopes and can’t be mixed. There is a red set and a yellow set – don’t mix them. Also, the black taped poles slide into the black taped joint ends.